Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Body Building with Arnold

The name Arnold is well-known in the sport of body building. California’s governor made body building what it is today. This Austrian amazement came onto the body building scene in the 1970’s and changed the face of body building forever.

Today, because Arnold has been so important in the sport, he now holds his own body building competition called the Arnold classic. This organization holds contests for amateurs and experts alike for women, men, and teens. It has become one of the most popular competitions to be in because winning it symbolizes the approval of body building’s biggest star.

They also hold an annual exposition. It is the largest expo in the country with over 600 exhibitors showcasing healthy fitness products for body builders and fitness enthusiasts that attend. It is a three day expo that features entertainment as well as competitions to over 100,000 people who attend every year.

Besides holding body building competitions, the Arnold organization also has a martial arts division that caters to those people who have a love of karate and other types of martial arts. Dan Severns, one of the most respected men in the field of wrestling and ultimate fighting has recently signed on to conduct workshops for interested people.

An annual Arnold Sports Festival is also held by the company where there are strongman competitions; awards for various areas of body building, boxing, and wrestling; and much more! They showcase power lifters, top body builders, and martial artists at this festival. It is touted as the festival that makes fitness fun.

Being the benevolent sort, Arnold has also set up scholarships for college bound students. They are sponsored also by the Rotary Clubs of America and offer up over $10,000 worth of scholarships to students studying or participating in gymnastics, weight lifting, boxing, and such.

Probably one of the most exciting parts of the Arnold Expo and Festival is the focus on body building athletes who are older than the norm. With Arnold himself fast approaching senior citizen status, it’s refreshing to find a place that encourages and supports senior body builders and athletes. It’s never too late to get in shape and the Arnold corporation embraces that concept wholeheartedly.

Because the name Arnold is so well-known in body building circles, the doors that open up to people who share a love of body building, weight lifting, wrestling, and martial arts through that name are amazing. His drawing power is huge, and the respect he garners makes any event sponsored by Arnold a legitimate and compelling place to be.

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